10:00 PM
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Kelab Rakan Muda Bukit Bendera ~ Penang ~ Timur Laut
6:59 AM
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Kelab Rakan Muda Bukit Bendera ~ Penang ~ Timur Laut
(槟岛西南区17日讯)女学院生兼职回家途中,�� � �幸在双溪赖遇死神拦路,在遭到一辆轿车碰 � �而翻覆后,被快捷通巴士后车轮碾过,毙命 � �场!死者为吴君芬(19岁),目前在SEGI学院攻读心 理学科系。这宗死亡车祸于今日凌晨约12时,� �� ��双溪赖路发生。
死者甫从皇后湾星巴克咖 啡� ��轮职夜班后,在近住家的途中遇祸。先被轿车撞翻据悉,当时死者是独自骑着摩托车,途经双溪 赖银禧老人院的大路前,疑遭一辆轿车碰撞后 而翻覆,随着又遭到槟城快捷通巴士的后车轮 碾过,头破血流,惨死现场。事发后,死者的 双亲及姐姐亦赶到现场,在目睹这一幕后,皆 悲从中来而伤心不已。在上述事件发生后,逾百名好奇的路人亦趋前 看个究竟,而警方也前往现场调查。据悉,事 发时快捷通司机相信是准备下班而把巴士驾返 总站时,事后该快捷通司机已据情向警方投报 。至于另一辆疑与死者摩托车碰撞的轿车,则 已撞后逃。
另一方面,据快捷通巴士一名发言人受询时指 出,涉祸司机透露当时其巴士正在前方驾驶, 尾随后面的是死者的摩托车,而摩托车后方是 一辆本田轿车。发言人说,据司机的说法,本 田轿车在后方一直试图越过巴士。岂料,听到一声巨响,司机就下车了解状况, 才知道原来发生车祸。该名发言人也表示,女 死者头部是遭巴士后轮碾过。攻读心理学 拟明年出国深造学院生出国深造梦碎!死者父亲吴金贵(60岁)在太平间受访时表示� �� ��女儿在世纪学院就读心理学系,今年是第 二� ��年。女儿已准备好明年出国到澳洲深造, 没� ��到一场车祸就毁了所有东西。他也说,女儿平时非常乖巧勤劳,若早上时段 上课,下午就到皇后湾广场的星巴克做兼职, 反之下午上课就早上去打工了。如果女儿做晚 班,他一家人都会等女儿归家后才入眠。他表示,昨晚过了女儿下班时间许久后,仍不 见女儿归家已开始担心,谁料当时刚好路经车 祸现场的邻居上门告知,才知道女儿出事了。 死者吴君芬生前与父母居住在立信花园一带, 有一名姐姐(26岁),在家排行最小。
吴副主席为人和谒可亲、交游广阔;作风敢做敢言 、创新独特;这些条件都展现她的成功。可惜,在此刻本俱乐部全体理事会感到伤心。多方共事的理事们,“昨日春风面,今朝离恨天”,事出太突然了,教人一时都难以接受这个残酷的事实。吴金芬前副主席享年19岁。
1:03 AM
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Kelab Rakan Muda Bukit Bendera ~ Penang ~ Timur Laut
6:57 PM
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Kelab Rakan Muda Bukit Bendera ~ Penang ~ Timur Laut
Thaipusam (Tamil: தைப்பூசம்) is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly by the Tamil community on the full moon in the Tamil month of Thai (Jan/Feb). It is also referred to as Thaipooyam or Thaippooyam in the Malayalam language. Pusam refers to a star that is at its highest point during the festival. The festival commemorates both the birthday of Lord Murugan (also Subramaniam), the youngest son of Shiva and Parvati, and the occasion when Parvati gave Murugan a vel (lance) so he could vanquish the evil demon Soorapadman.
Lord Skanda (or Lord Murugan) was created during one of the battles between the Asuras and the Devas. At one point, the latter were defeated several times by the former. The Devas were unable to resist the onslaught of the Asura forces. In despair, they approached Lord Siva and entreated to give them an able leader under whose heroic leadership they might obtain victory over the Asuras. They surrendered themselves completely and prayed to Lord Siva. Siva granted their request by creating the mighty warrior, Lord Skanda, out of his own power or Achintya Shakti. He at once assumed leadership of the celestial forces, inspired them and defeated the Asura forces.
Kavadi Attam is a dance performed by the devotees during the ceremonial worship of Murugan, the Tamil God of War. It is often performed during the festival of Thaipusam and emphasizes debt bondage. The Kavadi itself is a physical burden through which the devotees implore for help from the God Murugan.
Generally people take a vow to offer a kavadi to the Lord for purpose of tiding over or averting a great calamity. For instance, if the devotee's son is laid up with a fatal disease, he would pray to Shanmuga to grant the boy a lease of life in return for which the devotee would take a vow to dedicate a kavadi to Him. Though this might on the face of it appear mercenary, a moment's reflection will reveal that it contains in it the seed of love for God. The worldly object is achieved: and the devotee offers the kavadi. After the ceremony is over, he gets so much intoxicated with love of God that his inner spiritual chamber is opened. This too ultimately leads to Para Bhakti - Supreme devotion.
Devotees prepare for the celebration by cleansing themselves through prayer and fasting. Kavadi-bearers have to perform elaborate ceremonies at the time of assuming the kavadi and at the time of offering it to Lord Murugan. The kavadi-bearer observes celibacy and take only pure, Satvik food, once a day, while continuously thinking of God.
On the day of the festival, devotees will shave their heads undertake a pilgrimage along a set route while engaging in various acts of devotion, notably carrying various types of kavadi (burdens). At its simplest this may entail carrying a pot of milk, but mortification of the flesh by piercing the skin, tongue or cheeks with vel skewers is also common.
The simplest kavadi is a semi circular decorated canopy supported by a wooden rod that is carried on the shoulders, to the temple. In addition, some have a little spear through their tongue, or a spear through the cheeks. The spear pierced through his tongue or cheeks reminds him constantly of Lord Murugan. It also prevents him from speaking and gives great power of endurance. Other types of kavadi involve hooks stuck into the back and either pulled by another walking behind or being hung from a decorated bullock cart or more recently a tractor, with the point of incisions of the hooks varying the level of pain. The greater the pain the more god-earned merit.
In Palani, Tamil Nadu, India, Thai Pusam is celebrated with grandeur. Thousands of devotees flock to Palani and attend kavadi. According to, "The number of kavadis reaching Palani for Thai Pusam is about 10,000. For Pankuni Uttiram, 50,000 kavadis arrive. It is kavadi to your right, kavadi to your left, kavadi in front of you, kavadi behind you, kavadi above you and kavadi below you."
In Vaikom, Kerala, India, Thai Pusam festival is conducted with Kaavadis at Udayanapuram Subramanya temple. Devotees take panchamritha kaavadi, paal kaavadi, bhasma kaavadi etc.
In Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Thai Pusam festival is conducted at Satyavageeswara temple. The utsava moorthy is taken in procession on a vahanam(mount). There is nel(Paddy)parai alappu or Nel alavu, as a ritual performed for good luck and prosperity.
The largest Thaipusam celebrations take place in Singapore, Mauritius and Malaysia. It is a public holiday in several states in Malaysia, including Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru, Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur.
The temple at Batu Caves, near Kuala Lumpur, often attracts over one million devotees and tens of thousands of tourists. The procession to the caves starts at the Sri Mahamariamman Temple, Kuala Lumpur in the heart of the city and proceeds for 15 kilometers to the caves, an 8-hour journey culminating in a flight of 272 steps to the top.
In Malaysia, although rare, scenes of people from different ethnic groups and faiths bearing "kavadi" can also be seen. Interestingly, Thaipusam is also increasingly being celebrated by the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. Thaipusam is also celebrated at another cave site, the Sri Subramaniar Temple in Gunong Cheroh, Ipoh, Perak and at the Nattukottai Chettiar Temple along Jalan Waterfall in Penang. Temple secretary P. Palaiya Sri Subramaniar Temple in Gunong Cheroh reported that about 250,000 devotees participated in the festival 2007, including 300 kavadi bearers, while 15,000 came with milk offerings.
10:31 PM
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Kelab Rakan Muda Bukit Bendera ~ Penang ~ Timur Laut